package chore import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "math/rand" "strings" "time" chModel "" ) func scheduleNextDueDate(chore *chModel.Chore, completedDate time.Time) (*time.Time, error) { // if Chore is rolling then the next due date calculated from the completed date, otherwise it's calculated from the due date var nextDueDate time.Time var baseDate time.Time var frequencyMetadata chModel.FrequencyMetadata err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*chore.FrequencyMetadata), &frequencyMetadata) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling frequency metadata") } if chore.FrequencyType == "once" { return nil, nil } if chore.NextDueDate != nil { // no due date set, use the current date baseDate = chore.NextDueDate.UTC() } else { baseDate = completedDate.UTC() } if chore.FrequencyType == "day_of_the_month" || chore.FrequencyType == "days_of_the_week" || chore.FrequencyType == "interval" { // time in frequency metadata stored as RFC3339 format like `2024-07-07T13:27:00-04:00` // parse it to time.Time: t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, frequencyMetadata.Time) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing time in frequency metadata") } // set the time to the time in the frequency metadata: baseDate = time.Date(baseDate.Year(), baseDate.Month(), baseDate.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), 0, 0, t.Location()) } if chore.IsRolling && chore.NextDueDate.Before(completedDate) { // we need to check if chore due date is before the completed date to handle this senario: // if user trying to complete chore due in future (multiple time for insance) due date will be calculated // from the last completed date and due date change only in seconds. // this make sure that the due date is always in future if the chore is rolling baseDate = completedDate.UTC() } if chore.FrequencyType == "daily" { nextDueDate = baseDate.AddDate(0, 0, 1) } else if chore.FrequencyType == "weekly" { nextDueDate = baseDate.AddDate(0, 0, 7) } else if chore.FrequencyType == "monthly" { nextDueDate = baseDate.AddDate(0, 1, 0) } else if chore.FrequencyType == "yearly" { nextDueDate = baseDate.AddDate(1, 0, 0) } else if chore.FrequencyType == "adaptive" { // TODO: calculate next due date based on the history of the chore // calculate the difference between the due date and now in days: diff := completedDate.UTC().Sub(chore.NextDueDate.UTC()) nextDueDate = completedDate.UTC().Add(diff) } else if chore.FrequencyType == "once" { // if the chore is a one-time chore, then the next due date is nil } else if chore.FrequencyType == "interval" { // calculate the difference between the due date and now in days: if *frequencyMetadata.Unit == "hours" { nextDueDate = baseDate.UTC().Add(time.Hour * time.Duration(chore.Frequency)) } else if *frequencyMetadata.Unit == "days" { nextDueDate = baseDate.UTC().AddDate(0, 0, chore.Frequency) } else if *frequencyMetadata.Unit == "weeks" { nextDueDate = baseDate.UTC().AddDate(0, 0, chore.Frequency*7) } else if *frequencyMetadata.Unit == "months" { nextDueDate = baseDate.UTC().AddDate(0, chore.Frequency, 0) } else if *frequencyMetadata.Unit == "years" { nextDueDate = baseDate.UTC().AddDate(chore.Frequency, 0, 0) } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid frequency unit, cannot calculate next due date") } } else if chore.FrequencyType == "days_of_the_week" { // TODO : this logic is bad, need to be refactored and be better. // coding at night is almost always bad idea. // calculate the difference between the due date and now in days: var frequencyMetadata chModel.FrequencyMetadata err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*chore.FrequencyMetadata), &frequencyMetadata) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling frequency metadata") } //we can only assign to days of the week that part of the frequency metadata.days //it's array of days of the week, for example ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday"] // we need to find the next day of the week in the frequency metadata.days that we can schedule // if this the last or there is only one. will use same otherwise find the next one: // find the index of the chore day in the frequency metadata.days // loop for next 7 days from the base, if the day in the frequency metadata.days then we can schedule it: for i := 1; i <= 7; i++ { nextDueDate = baseDate.AddDate(0, 0, i) nextDay := strings.ToLower(nextDueDate.Weekday().String()) for _, day := range frequencyMetadata.Days { if strings.ToLower(*day) == nextDay { nextDate := nextDueDate.UTC() return &nextDate, nil } } } } else if chore.FrequencyType == "day_of_the_month" { var frequencyMetadata chModel.FrequencyMetadata err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*chore.FrequencyMetadata), &frequencyMetadata) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling frequency metadata") } for i := 1; i <= 12; i++ { nextDueDate = baseDate.AddDate(0, i, 0) // set the date to the first day of the month: nextDueDate = time.Date(nextDueDate.Year(), nextDueDate.Month(), chore.Frequency, nextDueDate.Hour(), nextDueDate.Minute(), 0, 0, nextDueDate.Location()) nextMonth := strings.ToLower(nextDueDate.Month().String()) for _, month := range frequencyMetadata.Months { if *month == nextMonth { nextDate := nextDueDate.UTC() return &nextDate, nil } } } } else if chore.FrequencyType == "no_repeat" { return nil, nil } else if chore.FrequencyType == "trigger" { // if the chore is a trigger chore, then the next due date is nil return nil, nil } else { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid frequency type, cannot calculate next due date") } return &nextDueDate, nil } func scheduleAdaptiveNextDueDate(chore *chModel.Chore, completedDate time.Time, history []*chModel.ChoreHistory) (*time.Time, error) { // will generate due date base on history and the different between the completed date and the due date // the more recent the higher weight if len(history) <= 1 { if chore.NextDueDate != nil { diff := completedDate.UTC().Sub(chore.NextDueDate.UTC()) nextDueDate := completedDate.UTC().Add(diff) return &nextDueDate, nil } return nil, nil } var weight float64 var totalWeight float64 var nextDueDate time.Time for i := 0; i < len(history)-1; i++ { delay := history[i].CompletedAt.UTC().Sub(history[i+1].CompletedAt.UTC()).Seconds() weight = delay * float64(len(history)-i) totalWeight += weight } // calculate the average delay averageDelay := totalWeight / float64(len(history)-1) // calculate the difference between the completed date and the due date nextDueDate = completedDate.UTC().Add(time.Duration(averageDelay) * time.Second) return &nextDueDate, nil } func RemoveAssigneeAndReassign(chore *chModel.Chore, userID int) { for i, assignee := range chore.Assignees { if assignee.UserID == userID { chore.Assignees = append(chore.Assignees[:i], chore.Assignees[i+1:]...) break } } if len(chore.Assignees) == 0 { chore.AssignedTo = chore.CreatedBy } else { chore.AssignedTo = chore.Assignees[rand.Intn(len(chore.Assignees))].UserID } chore.UpdatedAt = time.Now() }