macro_rules! methods { ($($method:ident and $method_with_call_id:ident,)+) => { $( doc_comment! { concat!("Make a ", stringify!($method), " API request, and deserialize the result into T"), async fn $method serde::Deserialize<'de> + serde::Serialize>(&self, url: impl AsRef) -> Result { let call_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); self.$method_with_call_id(url, call_id).await } } doc_comment! { concat!( "Make a ", stringify!($method), " API request, and deserialize the result into T.\n\n", "Logging will use the provided UUID, rather than generating one before making the request.", ), async fn $method_with_call_id serde::Deserialize<'de> + serde::Serialize>(&self, url: impl AsRef, call_id: Uuid) -> Result { use log::{debug, error, as_debug, as_serde}; let url = url.as_ref(); debug!(url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "making API request"); let response = self.authenticated(self.client.$method(url)).send().await?; match response.error_for_status() { Ok(response) => { let response = read_response(response).await?; debug!(response = as_serde!(response), url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "received API response"); Ok(response) } Err(err) => { error!(err = as_debug!(err), url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "error making API request"); Err(err.into()) } } } } )+ }; } macro_rules! paged_routes { (($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `", stringify!($method), " /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "let data = Data::default();\n", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "();\n", "```" ), pub async fn $name(&self) -> Result> { use log::{debug, as_debug, error}; let url = self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url)); let call_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); debug!(url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "making API request"); let response = self.authenticated(self.client.$method(&url)).send().await?; match response.error_for_status() { Ok(response) => { Page::new(self.clone(), response, call_id).await } Err(err) => { error!(err = as_debug!(err), url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "error making API request"); Err(err.into()) } } } } paged_routes!{$($rest)*} }; ((get ($($(#[$m:meta])* $param:ident: $typ:ty,)*)) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `get /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set." ), pub async fn $name<'a>(&self, $($param: $typ,)*) -> Result> { use serde_urlencoded; use log::{debug, as_debug, error}; let call_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); #[derive(Serialize)] struct Data<'a> { $( $( #[$m] )* $param: $typ, )* #[serde(skip)] _marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>, } let qs_data = Data { $( $param: $param, )* _marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData, }; let qs = serde_urlencoded::to_string(&qs_data)?; let url = format!(concat!("/api/v1/", $url, "?{}"), &qs); debug!(url = url, method = "get", call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "making API request"); let response = self.authenticated(self.client.get(&url)).send().await?; match response.error_for_status() { Ok(response) => { Page::new(self.clone(), response, call_id).await } Err(err) => { error!(err = as_debug!(err), url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "error making API request"); Err(err.into()) } } } } paged_routes!{$($rest)*} }; () => {} } macro_rules! route_v2 { ((get ($($param:ident: $typ:ty,)*)) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `get /api/v2/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set." ), pub async fn $name<'a>(&self, $($param: $typ,)*) -> Result<$ret> { use serde_urlencoded; use log::{debug, as_serde}; use uuid::Uuid; let call_id = Uuid::new_v4(); #[derive(Serialize)] struct Data<'a> { $( $param: $typ, )* #[serde(skip)] _marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>, } let qs_data = Data { $( $param: $param, )* _marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData, }; let qs = serde_urlencoded::to_string(&qs_data)?; debug!(query_string_data = as_serde!(qs_data); "URL-encoded data to be sent in API request"); let url = format!(concat!("/api/v2/", $url, "?{}"), &qs); self.get_with_call_id(self.route(&url), call_id).await } } route_v2!{$($rest)*} }; () => {} } macro_rules! route { ((post multipart ($($param:ident: $typ:ty,)*)) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `post /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set."), pub async fn $name(&self, $($param: $typ,)*) -> Result<$ret> { use reqwest::multipart::{Form, Part}; use std::io::Read; use log::{debug, error, as_debug, as_serde}; use uuid::Uuid; let call_id = Uuid::new_v4(); let form_data = Form::new() $( .part(stringify!($param), { let path = $param.as_ref(); match std::fs::File::open(path) { Ok(mut file) => { let mut data = if let Ok(metadata) = file.metadata() { Vec::with_capacity(metadata.len().try_into()?) } else { vec![] }; file.read_to_end(&mut data)?; Part::bytes(data) } Err(err) => { error!(path = as_debug!(path), error = as_debug!(err); "error reading file contents for multipart form"); return Err(err.into()); } } }) )*; let url = &self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url)); debug!( url = url, method = stringify!($method), multipart_form_data = as_debug!(form_data), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "making API request" ); let response = self.authenticated( .multipart(form_data) .send() .await?; match response.error_for_status() { Ok(response) => { let response = read_response(response).await?; debug!(response = as_serde!(response), url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "received API response"); Ok(response) } Err(err) => { error!(err = as_debug!(err), url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "error making API request"); Err(err.into()) } } } } route!{$($rest)*} }; ((get ($($param:ident: $typ:ty,)*)) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `get /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set." ), pub async fn $name<'a>(&self, $($param: $typ,)*) -> Result<$ret> { use serde_urlencoded; use log::{debug, as_serde}; use uuid::Uuid; let call_id = Uuid::new_v4(); #[derive(Serialize)] struct Data<'a> { $( $param: $typ, )* #[serde(skip)] _marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>, } let qs_data = Data { $( $param: $param, )* _marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData, }; let qs = serde_urlencoded::to_string(&qs_data)?; debug!(query_string_data = as_serde!(qs_data); "URL-encoded data to be sent in API request"); let url = format!(concat!("/api/v1/", $url, "?{}"), &qs); self.get_with_call_id(self.route(&url), call_id).await } } route!{$($rest)*} }; (($method:ident ($($param:ident: $typ:ty,)*)) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `", stringify!($method), " /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", ), pub async fn $name(&self, $($param: $typ,)*) -> Result<$ret> { use log::{debug, error, as_debug, as_serde}; use uuid::Uuid; let call_id = Uuid::new_v4(); let form_data = json!({ $( stringify!($param): $param, )* }); let url = &self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url)); debug!( url = url.as_str(), method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id), form_data = as_serde!(&form_data); "making API request" ); let response = self.authenticated(self.client.$method(url)) .json(&form_data) .send() .await?; match response.error_for_status() { Ok(response) => { let response = read_response(response).await?; debug!(response = as_serde!(response), url = $url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "received API response"); Ok(response) } Err(err) => { error!(err = as_debug!(err), url = $url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "error making API request"); Err(err.into()) } } } } route!{$($rest)*} }; (($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `", stringify!($method), " /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "let data = Data::default();\n", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "();\n", "```" ), pub async fn $name(&self) -> Result<$ret> { self.$method(self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url))).await } } route!{$($rest)*} }; () => {} } macro_rules! route_id { ($(($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty,)*) => { $( doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `", stringify!($method), " /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "let data = Data::default();\n", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "(\"42\");\n", "# Ok(())\n", "# }\n", "```" ), pub async fn $name(&self, id: &str) -> Result<$ret> { self.$method(self.route(&format!(concat!("/api/v1/", $url), id))).await } } )* } } macro_rules! paged_routes_with_id { (($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `", stringify!($method), " /api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "let data = Data::default();", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "(\"some-id\");\n", "```" ), pub async fn $name(&self, id: &str) -> Result> { use log::{debug, error, as_debug}; use uuid::Uuid; let call_id = Uuid::new_v4(); let url = self.route(&format!(concat!("/api/v1/", $url), id)); debug!(url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "making API request"); let response = self.authenticated(self.client.$method(&url)).send().await?; match response.error_for_status() { Ok(response) => { Page::new(self.clone(), response, call_id).await } Err(err) => { error!(err = as_debug!(err), url = url, method = stringify!($method), call_id = as_debug!(call_id); "error making API request"); Err(err.into()) } } } } paged_routes_with_id!{$($rest)*} }; () => {} } macro_rules! streaming { {$($stream:ident@$fn_name:ident ($desc:tt),)*} => { $( doc_comment! { concat!( $desc, "\n\nExample:\n\n", " use elefren::prelude::*; use elefren::entities::event::Event; use futures_util::{pin_mut, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; tokio_test::block_on(async { let data = Data::default(); let client = Mastodon::from(data); let stream = client.", stringify!($fn_name), "().await.unwrap(); stream.try_for_each(|event| async move { match event { Event::Update(ref status) => { /* .. */ }, Event::Notification(ref notification) => { /* .. */ }, Event::Delete(ref id) => { /* .. */ }, Event::FiltersChanged => { /* .. */ }, } Ok(()) }).await.unwrap(); });" ), pub async fn $fn_name(&self) -> Result> { let url = self.route(concat!("/api/v1/streaming/", stringify!($stream))); let response = self.authenticated(self.client.get(&url)).send().await?; debug!( status = log_serde!(response Status), url = &url, headers = log_serde!(response Headers); "received API response" ); Ok(event_stream(response.error_for_status()?, url)) } } )* }; }