extern crate libterm; use libterm::{TermRead, TermWrite, IntoRawMode, Color, Style, Key}; use std::io::{Read, Write, stdout, stdin}; fn main() { let stdin = stdin(); let mut stdout = stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap(); stdout.clear(); stdout.goto(0, 0); stdout.write(b"q to exit. Type stuff, use alt, and so on."); stdout.hide_cursor(); stdout.flush(); for c in stdin.keys() { stdout.goto(5, 5); stdout.clear_line(); match c { Key::Char('q') => break, Key::Char(c) => println!("{}", c), Key::Alt(c) => println!("^{}", c), Key::Left => println!("←"), Key::Right => println!("→"), Key::Up => println!("∆"), Key::Down => println!("∇"), Key::Backspace => println!("×"), Key::Invalid => println!("???"), Key::Error => println!("ERROR"), } stdout.flush(); } stdout.show_cursor(); }